Moving through the story - Ceremony and fire

We all get a little stuck sometimes, and more often than not its because we are holding on to a story about ourselves. This back drop that we hold in our awareness can cause us all kinds of discomfort or keep us trapped. Fear is the number one problem in many cases. Built up through our experiences and beliefs. We can become accustomed to viewing the world in a certain way because events previously confirmed our worst fears. The hippocampus is understood to be involved in our personal manifestation of reality (Faw & Faw 2017). The beliefs and thoughts that we hold interact with our experience and ongoing interactions with the world. Stress interferes with the hippocampus. Our ability to allow stressful feelings to be experienced and let go of is essential to wellbeing. When we block or hold feelings they can become trapped emotions. Toxic emotions and long held memories have been recognised to be held in the limbic system. The center of conscious and unconscious functio...