How we hold ourselves back

You see the problem is that something happens in our lives, often in childhood, and it triggers a belief. This happens all too easily and often without much effort at all. The belief can be out of alignment with the actual event, but still be a result of what we experienced. It doesn't always need to make perfect sense. The belief that we are left with gets strengthened by our thoughts, interpretations of situations and we end up getting stuck. This goes on to impact our relationships, career, all the choices we make, all that we choose or reject. It becomes the lens that we look through, holding us at a certain place within our lives.

The way to liberate ourselves from these limiting beliefs and patterns is to visit them, to look them in the eye and challenge them, with compassion. When we identify a particular story that plays out subconsciously or consciously, we then have the awareness to make changes. Sometimes these stories, and beliefs have become so ingrained that they are hard to actually identify as only limiting beliefs, not actually real. Revisiting particularly difficult events and noticing the beliefs that arose from them can help. The magic then happens once you look at the story head on. Seeing how the weave began can allow the healing process to start.

Transformation of limiting beliefs begins with awareness, noticing how tightly we hold on to certain thoughts about ourselves, and how they impact on our lives. We act out according to the beliefs that we hold, attracting certain situations and repelling others. Once we are aware, we can pause and come back to the heart, no longer being driven by the thoughts and beliefs. Its simply amazing how once someone notices the patterns of thoughts and beliefs and how they have knitted their world together, just how easily they can turn it around. Observation is powerful. Be brave and break the mold x


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