What is Soul Coaching?

Often over time we can develop blocks and barriers, these might be in the form of thought patterns, beliefs or situations that we keep creating. The result of the blocks and barriers, which may often be quite subconscious, is feeling stuck, fearful or not able to move towards your hearts desires. Perhaps feeling lost or unable to move forward.

Everything is energy, the thoughts we have and the patterns we create with our behaviours will hold us in a certain way of being. The mind and body will mirror each other and our behaviours and vibration will impact upon situations around us. For example if I believe that I am not capable of passing my driving test (this actually happened) then every time I take the test I am going to feel anxious, fearful and my body will therefore tremble. I failed 5 times because I deeply believed that I couldn't do it. The result of thoughts, incorrect thoughts that I held about myself. I was so constricted by fear that I couldn't drive properly, I even went around a roundabout the wrong way with the examiner! I had to change the belief. However, if I clear that belief and arrive at the test centre feeling excited and confident then my body is going to be strong and my brain will focus. I passed! Twenty years ago, the poor examiner, I kissed him and told him that he had changed my life. But, this was a turning point for me. I started to realise how the deeply held beliefs I had were stopping my life force, restricting me, and the story was playing out in my life according to what I believed.

This is a very simple example of how we become our thoughts and beliefs. As a soul coach, or spiritual coach, I work with you to unblock areas so that you can hear the wisdom of your soul clearer. That true self, the loving center of who you are without all of the limits you have imposed over time. Allowing you to manifest beauty, joy and peace in your life, beyond the stories and patterns that have held you back.

Using a combination of coaching methods, visualisation, meditation, body-focusing and psychology I help you to release all of the layers to be able to connect with your true self. The process isn't like counselling and if somebody feels that they need that level of support then counselling and coaching can take place in conjunction with one another. 

When you start to connect more deeply with the YOU underneath all of the fears and stories then things start to change and shift. The process is like a wave of change, as your mindset and energy changes so will the world around you. We attract what we feel.

“What we think, we create.
What we feel, we attract.
What we imagine, we become.” Unknown.

Here is my profile on the coaching directory, I am currently completing my soul coaching diploma to gain master coach status. Every step that I teach you, I have had to overcome myself. 



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