What could you achieve if you transformed fear?

Fear is definitely one of the most challenging emotions. It can stop you in your tracks and bring you to a halt. Unfortunately it is often what holds us back from living to our potential and really linking to our true self. I am determined to keep transforming my experience of fear. 

Fear can be generated from a matrix of different aspects. The mind, body, spirit and emotions can together each play a role. Perhaps we arrive on the planet with a predisposition to fear, carried down through the generations from our ancestors. Energy healing comes in many varieties and can support you to break these ties. A predisposition to fear may then be triggered by a series of events throughout our lives, encouraging the emotion to become predominant in our psyche. 

Fear has a very big impact on our system and can trigger off fight or flight responses in the body, which over time can become automatic. Leaving you feeling a little trapped. Fear can be transformed and there is not a one size fits all approach but you can turn it into a positive.

Firstly, you can identify where you feel the fear physically in the body. Locating the actual sensation rather than the thoughts around it. This starts to bring it into awareness in a purer and less complicated way. Using meditation, the breath and visualisation you can ease and soothe the physical experience, which in turn reminds the nervous system to rest.

The root chakra is associated with fear, located at the base of the spine. This chakra can become imbalanced if our feelings of safety are not met in some way. Grounding in nature and forest bathing will enhance the balance of the root chakra. Also using mantra and affirmation, for example 'I am connected to all and everything'. Often when the root chakra is out of balance we can feel disconnected and a little lost. Meditation will also help to clear any blocks in this area, along with energy healing, music and dance. Bringing that sense of connection to the earth.

Thoughts can play a huge role in the experience of fear. Core beliefs can result in us feeling a certain way about ourselves. We develop a certain archetype and play out that identity. Transforming beliefs can be very liberating. Looking at the core belief, challenging it and noticing how it impacts your behaviour and identity. Then bringing a new perspective, tipping it upside down to become a strength rather than a limitation. All of our shadow aspects hold the potential to be integrated into our awareness and become our most beautiful assets. This is one of the things that I really love helping people with.

What could you achieve if you transformed your fear? Our inner landscape reflects in our outer experience.


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