I wouldn't profess to being an expert in grief, or in fact anything actually : ) but we are all experts of our own experience. Working with grief is something that I have come to know quite personally due to my father dying when I was 9 years old. This year has been one that has held a thread of grief for most people in some way. Whether it has been the loss of what was considered a normal life, a friend or relative, a job loss or loss of certain freedoms. Grief has been quite present for most of us. I experienced a cascade of grief in May, the loss seeped into every area of my life and was very overwhelming. The last few months have reminded me of the stages that we go through regarding loss and the powerful ways that we can support the process. One of the aspects of grief is the physicality of it. Often like a rising feeling in the heart and chest, and culminating in the throat, the physical feelings can be quite strong. If we can attend to the physical feelings its very helpful...