Women healing women

Every woman who heals herself helps heal all the women who came before her and all those who come after her - Christiane Northrup Don't get me wrong, some of my best friends are male and some of the best healers and therapists I know are also men. What I want to illustrate here is the beauty and transformation available when women lift up and heal other women. Ever since I can remember I have had a sense of hiding, not speaking my truth for fear of judgement, not being accepted or even completely rejected by other women. I came to realise that I feared being torn down by other women. I had been gaining qualifications for years to feel confident in being able to support people as a psychologist, reiki therapist and meditation practitioner, These have given me a wealth of knowledge but what I really wanted to share with people has been there all the time, waiting quietly for the right moment. When part of us isn't healed it tends to colour the lens that we look through, tainting ...